Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Gallup Strengths Accelerated Coaching Program Day 2 / Catching Up #3

It is Day 2, and by the time it was 5 pm, I was extremely exhausted. Talk about information overload. Nevertheless, I am still having a great time learning and absorbing all the data.

What intrigued me today was the actual getting into the interplay of the different strengths, in that my top five strengths do not exist individually on their own as five distinctive strengths but as one collective group of strengths. I have already realized this because I sensed that some of the definitions given do not really resonate with me perfectly because I use them in relation to my other dominant strengths, and thus they have different nuances in comparison.

I look forward to studying for myself the inter-relations between each of the 34 strengths, and I bet it will take me a long time to do so.

I also came to discover that one of my fellow participants has the exact same five strengths that I have, albeit in different sequence except the first and last of the five. I was told that it is one in more than 280,000 for that to happen. By the way, for two people to have the exact same strengths in the same sequence, it is one in 33 million! It is also quite freaky that we have several other things in common. We are both in HR, we both have taken a Masters degree in Christian theology, and we are both Cantonese by dialect and ethnicity. We didn't have time to discover more, and it will be interesting if we can compare ourselves further.

And for my Catching Up #3, I met up with my childhood friends, Rose and Allison, both sisters, and Sasha, Allison's 8-year old daughter. I have not seen them in 8 or more years and it was indeed a wonderful time of catching up and updating ourselves with our own happenings, family and close friends.


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