Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Cleaning help

I hate housework. And if I could avoid it, I would. But then I like it clean and tidy. So I'd just push myself to do it. This time though I decided to get some help. I am glad I did. Trivial but important nonetheless.

Picture by Hilde Vanstraelen


  1. You have help with housework? Send 'em over! I bribed my family (to do something they are already supposed to do!!!) with pizza for an hour of housecleaning. Everyone got to pick their chore. Both bathrooms, CLEAN. The floors, CLEAN. Dusted, tidied and thrown away stuff. YAY!! I'm linking you...you beat me to the punch. Bless you.

  2. I tried doing it myself but there is just too much :) but more because I hate it! lol

  3. I used to live so close to my mom, and she would come over and help me clean. Having her visit for a few weeks was a blessing. She has been gone for 7 days now - just look around - it's obvious!

    Enjoy the clean :)

  4. Moms are the greatest. My mom does that too. I don't want her to but she comes while I am at work and without me knowing and would do as much as she can. She's awesome.
