Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Bangkok again

As adage would have it, time really travels and travel it does, with gusto. It only dawned upon me this morning that I am going again to Bangkok tomorrow! With so much to do, I am so not ready for it.

On the ministry front, I am given a 10-minute slot this Sunday during worship service to encourage church members to read the bible. I also need to work on 4 training sessions of 2-hr each for a worship team of another church. I am pretty excited about both.

I will therefore be quiet for awhile until I come back on Saturday. Updates on posts should follow thereafter, God willing.

Picture by Maria Kaloudi


  1. LOL ... it sounds as if I have forgotten to do that! Thanks! I will ... try ... lol

  2. You must be having so much fun you can't get back to blogging!
