Thursday, March 31, 2016

Unexpected kindness

I did something so idiotic today that I could hit myself.

I had decided to get my hair trimmed and drove myself to the hair dresser. It was raining so very heavily and in my rush to get out of my car to the dry curb, I locked my car keys in the car. Arggh!!!

The funny thing (not so funny actually) was that much to my chagrin, I realised it at the very moment I slammed the car door shut. Too late!!!

But at that moment, my hair dresser was seated at the curb having a chat with a friend. She had wanted to leave and go home but because of the rain, she decided to stay back. It was a good thing for me because she witnessed my predicament and offered to drive me home to pick up my spare key. God bless her. 

But it was still raining cats and dogs. So I might as well get my hair trimmed first before settling my car problem. 

When all is done, she kept to her word and drove me home. We also had a good chat in the car. She told me that she started her business about nine or ten years ago and her anniversary is actually tomorrow! We then talked about how difficult running a business is these days and that she had to fork out a salary of RM1500 a month for every shampoo girl she hires and she has four. It is tough especially when business have slowed down. 

I finally got my spare key and she drove me back to my car parked outside her salon. I began thanking her profusely for her kindness but she told me not to worry about it and reminded me that we all make mistakes and there will come a time when she needs help and kindness too. God bless her indeed. 



  1. What a wonderful story Pearlie.

  2. Such a nice hairdresser you have! Hmm.. don't know mine will drive me home or not in time of trouble.. ;p

  3. Thanks Bob!
    Yea, Ee-Tan...she is the neighborhood kind of hair dresser :P
