Monday, January 05, 2015

My God, My Refuge

As I begin the day with my so-called scheduled and planned prayer times, I was drawn to Psalms 16 and decided I will pray this psalm, for the whole month, if possible. And what's amazing is that, it is no coincidence that the closing psalm for my evening prayer or Compline today in my Daily Prayer app is this very psalm.

I began with the first verse this morning: Preserve me O God, for in you I take refuge.

As I meditated and thought about it, I realized that a refuge is only required in situations of strife, oppression, persecution and war. It is such a reality in our lives as we live for Christ that we are in such a situation. And how we need to take refuge in Jesus.

Moreover, I also realized that refuge places are in fact open to abuse and destruction, whilst keeping the people safe within its walls. And Jesus went through death for us in order to save us from our sins. He died that we may live.

And as I take refuge in him and seek to abide in him, I commit myself to Jesus as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to him. I depend on him for sustenance and preservation and life.




  1. Hi Pearlie! Happy New Year! May God be with you in 2015 as you seek Him. I used the book Seeking God's Face by Philip Reinders for prayer last year and today on Epiphany,I'm starting it again. It actually starts with advent but our church started with epiphany last year so you can start any day. It follows the church calendar.
    It was good to hear from you! I can't believe it has been 9 years! Wow! I do hope we meet some day! Hope Calvin is doing well too.

  2. Thanks for the book recommendation. I checked it out and I do think it is a good book, but I find that I don't fare very well with books with a daily schedule :)
    Calvin is doing well, thanks!
