Monday, July 28, 2014

My Journaling Attempts

I found quite an interesting app that I am beginning to use: Highs & Lows.

I started writing in a diary back in my school days but my sense of discipline is pretty low and it didn't last very long.

I picked it up again when I got my first PDA, the Palm V. I have started work by then. And even though I did not journal everyday, I kept at it every other day or week and since then I have moved those digital pages of journal from device to device and app to app until they are all now stored in my iPhone Momento app.

In the midst of all this, I picked up blogging in 2006 as part of my journaling and I am thankful I am now back to keeping a daily blog, at least for now.

So this Highs & Lows app intrigued me. I have only a few days of entry but so far it does help show the colour and feel of the last few days I have spent.

I will try to be disciplined and keep it a daily for as long as possible and see if say in a month's time or if it does last longer, in a year's time, I could still feel nostalgic about the days.


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