Wednesday, May 21, 2014

My learning style

I attended a training session today and thought about the different learning styles we all have. The most commonly talked about styles are the 4 learning styles of visual, auditory, read-write and kinesthetic or tactile.

But I don't see myself as any of the four.

What I find more relevant is the different learning styles according to the dichotomies of the 16-types, i.e. extraverted-introverted, sensing-intuition, thinking-feeling and judging-perceiving. It seems like the four learning styles above are all the Sensing kind.

Here is a good write-up of the different learning styles from

Their description of my learning style is so darn accurate for an INFP:

- learn best through quiet, mental reflection. Attention will naturally flow inward to own thoughts, ideas and impressions.

- enjoy reading, lectures, and written over oral work. Prefer to work independently, do well at verbal reasoning, and need time for internal processing. Enjoy listening to others talk about a topic while privately processing the information.

- may encounter difficulty with instructors who speak quickly without allowing time for mental processing. Often uncomfortable in discussion groups, may find it difficult to remember names, and hesitate to speak up in class.

- excel when can work independently with own thoughts, through listening, observing, reading, writing, and independent lab work.

- need sufficient time to complete work and to think before answering a question. Need instructors to allow a moment of silence, if necessary, for this thought process and to process experiences at own pace. More comfortable if not required to speak in class but are allowed to voluntarily contribute.

- want to know the theory before deciding that facts are important, focusing on general concepts more than details and practical matters. Quickly see associations and meanings, relying more on insight than observation.

- creative, innovative and work with bursts of energy. Desire only a general outline, and enjoy new material. Best with tasks that appeal to intellectual interests and call for grasping general concepts, seeing relationships, and using imagination. Can remember specifics when they relate to a pattern.

- always ask "why" before anything else. Want to clarify ideas and theories before putting them into practice.

- when a concept or skill is understood, may find continued repetition or practice boring. Might become frustrated with instructors who pace the material too slowly for them. Tend to anticipate a speaker's words, which sometimes results in not really hearing what is being said.

- thrive when they have opportunities to be inventive and original and to find ways to solve problems. Do well with opportunities for self-instruction, both individually and with a group.

- look for a personal connection in classroom material, seeking to relate ideas and concepts to personal experiences.

- enjoy working in groups as long as individual relationships develop. Learn well by helping others and responding to needs. Study well with others.

- do best with topics of study cared about and might have difficulty with topics that do not relate to people or relationships. Need to develop a personal rapport with the instructor and receive feedback and encouragement. May have difficulty with instructors who appear impersonal or detached.

- work harder when personal relationships are developed with instructors and other students. Need specific, positive feedback with corrective instructions from instructors, and want instructors to also show appreciation for students. Understand best when they can see the relationship of the material to people and/or human values.

- start many tasks, want to know everything about each task, and often find it difficult to complete them. Work in flexible ways, following impulses.

- stimulated by the new and different. Study best when surges of impulsive energy comes.

- good at informal problem solving and adept at managing arising problems.

- biggest problem is procrastination. May make a calendar of things to do but often won't follow it. Feel energized by last-minute pressures and often do best work under pressure.

- need to find novel ways to do routine assignments to increase interest. Thrive on spontaneity and don't mind surprises.

- like some choices in aspects of assignments. Work best when the reasons for assignments are understood and when assignments make sense.

-enjoy variety and spontaneity.


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