Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Shopping: An Irrational Behaviour

You know how weird we are sometimes -- or maybe I should rephrase -- I know I am weird sometimes. I would go to the store and spend without thinking, like I just spend more than 300 bucks on cosmetics last weekend, and regretting it now. But when I am at the Apple Appstore or www.abebooks.com, the secondhand online bookstore, it will take me ages to decide whether to buy a 99 cents app or a RM30 book (plus shipment). I still do that -- I'd put things it in the cart and ponder and ponder and ponder whether I should purchase it, and never do. For the record, my carts in www.abebooks.com, www,bookdepository.com, www.amazon.com and www.logos.com are now filled with many books.

I am not sure exactly why but I think the reason is that it is less probable for me to go to the physical store than to the online store, which is accessible anytime and anywhere. As such, purchasing from the online store would be easier and thus deem more "dangerous" as I could overspend. But the truth is, I am overspending at the physical stores instead.

Weird, irrational, regrettable.


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