Saturday, January 15, 2011

Being confident, in whom?

The world speak of confidence in a very different way. When they speak of confidence, they speak of confidence in themselves and what they can do and how they portray themselves. We do that sometimes but when we talk about confidence, we are not to speak of it in ourselves but amazingly, our confidence is our fear and reverence of God.

Job 4:6
Is not your fear of God your confidence, and the integrity of your ways your hope?

Proverbs 14:26
In the fear of the LORD one has strong confidence, and his children will have a refuge.

Our fear of the Lord is our confidence. How can we be confident in ourselves? We are not perfect. But our perfection and righteousness is in heaven. Christ has clothed us, imputed us in righteousness.

Our righteousness is in heaven.
Our perfection is in heaven.
We are confident in our fear of God.



  1. I read a few years back about having God confidence when other people think it is self confidence. Only we ourselves know if it is God or self who rules and reigns in our lives and in whom we place our trust and hope. I want to always be placing mine in HIM!!!

  2. Yes, our confidence is in the Lord - only he is perfect, and 100% be dependent upon. Today I was talking to a good friend - we realise whilst things may not happen as we hope it would and that God does not seem dependent, it is always on hindsight that we see that God knows what he is doing.
