Saturday, November 07, 2009

Level Up!

Isn't life so much like a game?After you think you managed to pull through one troubled phase, you realise the game is not over yet. You are onto the next level. The more you advance the more challenging it gets. And there are two outcomes, you either complete all levels and crowned a victor or you're given the dreaded Game Over.

Unless of course you are playing Snake and Ladder.



  1. Yes, it is one level upon another and we must be like Paul and determined to fight the good fight and to run our race, the one God has set before us.

  2. :) Hope everything's more settled in now. I have a confession to make, I almost always want or have cheated when playing Snake & Ladders, especially at the last few boxes before it's gamed. :P

    But thank God it's not Snake & Ladders, right?

  3. Come to think of it, isn't life like a BIG game of snakes and ladders, no?
