Wednesday, September 16, 2009

No longer a daily

I have been contemplating it for a long time and as of today, I have finally made up my mind that Pearlie Gates will no longer be a daily.

Two reasons: one being lack of resources (i.e. I have less time now that I have taken up a new job! But I am actually enjoying myself ... so far ...) and two, lack of content (i.e. I am running out of profound things to say, having less time to mull and think and I do not want to resort to reducing Pearlie Gates into a today-I-did-this-and-today-I-did-that. That would be boring).

It is sad because I have been blogging almost daily since March 2006 and it is a shame that I have to do this now. However, Pearlie Gates will still be here. I will be blogging when I feel I have something of worth to say, hoping that I will soon settle down and get back to thinking and mulling and blogging again.

Photo (c) 2009 Gabriella Fabbri


  1. :) the picture looked mighty stressed ...

  2. [person in] the picture looked mighty stressed ...

  3. That's completely understandable! I don't have the energy nowadays to write coherent stuff daily either. And anyway, your "mundane" posts are just as fun to read!

  4. Melissa,
    To me, he just look very sad :)

  5. BK,
    Ah yes, "mundane" is the very word that describe my posts! haha
    And thanks for the encouragement, to know that they are still readable is something to me.

  6. KB,
    Thanks for your support and encouragment :)

  7. Hi Pearlie,

    I will miss your regular posts but look forward to your irregular posts. Your posts are an encouragement to me as you share about yourself and how you seek to follow the Way. God bless you.

  8. Thanks Alex :) I am blessed to have a friend like you.
