Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Happy Olday to Me

I had an excellent day today. But before I go on (and on) about it, first a song for me:

Happy Olday to me
Happy Olday to me
Today I am older
Happy Olday to me

I wanted to take the day off today to spend it on nice things but one of our clients had to spring a Remuneration Board Committee meeting on us. We got prepared and attended the meeting scheduled at 9am. We waited and only got called in at about 10.30, and the meeting lasted till about 12 noon. It dragged on but it was a good meeting. We are all happy in the end. There is still a bit more work but we are all happy about it. I thank God.

So I took the half day off.

Photo (c) 2007 M i E
To start it off, I received a birthday treat from a few in our team and they brought me to Chilli's in Suria KLCC. Well, inline with the 40-day fast initiated by NECF, I started to fast today on meat and comfort food (sweet desserts and any food I consider the comfort-kind). I ordered a caesar salad and a mushroom soup. The soup came with chicken pieces in it and the girls ordered a brownie a la mode with a candle on top! What choice do I have? I ate it - well, I thought since it is my birthday and thankfully (or not!) it is only the first of the 40 days.

Photo (c) 2007 Bell-Pepper
Then, I was on my own, and I decided to pamper myself. I went for a hair wash (complete with back rubs and massages) and then for a manicure and pedicure. I usually long for manicures and pedicures but avoid them at all costs because for every visit I could have bought a book! But this time I didn't want to think book and when ahead. I thought book much later and wished I thought book before adhering to the "push" sign at the door. But I did have a good time.

Photo (c) 2008 Joe
In the evening, my parents wanted to buy me dinner and we went to a place where I can be good and order just rice, vegetables and tofu, and whatever meats they want on the side. That was what we did - we had white rice with steamed white tofu in soya sauce, stirfried chinese cabbage, and stirfried bittergourd with salted eggs (it's the first time I had this, it was superb!), with stirfried sliced fish with spring onions on the side (which looks absolutely delicious my mouth is watering and my tummy is growling right now thinking about it). It was an excellent dinner.

Photo (c) 2008 Thai Odyssey
Then, I was at my parent's home helping out my dad with his internet banking account when Calvin kept telling me his daddy wants us back quickly. I arrived home to find my dear husband presenting me with a package of 10 Thai massages at Thai Odyssey. Oooh ... hmmm ...

Oh, I am truly being pampered turning on my birthday, and I am so blessed with my parents, my husband and my son.

And I am most blessed with my LORD, and I praise and thank Him so.

So, that's it! I turned older, I've cried, I've been pampered, I've been loved, I am happy.



  1. happy birthday pearlie. welcome to the club of "40".

  2. haha ... you too? Thank you thank you but I am now 21 oni ...

  3. Yea! Finally an intelligent and mature 21-year-old! If only we could take our current knowledge back there and do it again.

    Not really, I like it here at almost-35. :)

    Happy Birthday, Pearlie. And what pretty toes you have!

    Be pampered, be blessed, and be loved!

  4. Happy Birthday!

    I've done 21 twice over already!

  5. Happy Birthday!

    I've done 21 twice over already!

  6. Happy Birthday again Pearlie!!! My blog is finally up after the server problems were fixed. Oh well, glad to see you had a good day without me. Congratulations on the new books. They look very good!

  7. Missy,
    Thank you so much! ;)
    Neway, those weren't my toes but toes are toes, they look pretty much like that.

  8. Thanks Danesh ... you have? ;)

  9. I missed this...happy (belated) birthday!

  10. happy birthday pearlie, you don't look a day over 21!

  11. Happy Birthday Pearlie.. yours is the day before my wife's birthday!

  12. Alex, thank you thank you thank you, coffee coming up! haha

  13. Thanks KB! Oooh ... Happy Birthday to your wife!

  14. Sorry I am really late! Been trying to catch up with my blogroll.

    Happy belated birthday. Like what Chris says, welcome to the club of "40"....I wont feel that lonely now...hahaha
