Friday, September 07, 2007


I am an absolute klutz. I tripped last night and hurt my toes. I had feared they will swell up a big as tomatoes the next day. With an important meeting to attend with the Malaysian business big boys, I am going to have a problem.

And true to my words, it did swell, but I should be thankful that it was just one toe but that was bad enough. I practically limped the entire day, though I did try to look inconspicuous and it added to the pain. But thankfully the meeting went on fine.

I flew back in the evening. From the airport, I took the train, jumped into a taxi and headed to a should-not-be-missed reunion dinner with ex-colleagues whom I have never seen for 10 years, with my luggage, swollen painful toe, limp and all. It was a fine time of catching up. I am glad I made an effort to turn up.

I will get to the doctor tomorrow morning.



  1. Glad you made the best of your tomato toe.
    I’m a klutz also ;-}

  2. Ohhhhh that hurts!!! Glad for the success of your meetings.

  3. It is better now. I have gone to the doctor - nothing is broken, just a bad bruise.
