Thursday, December 21, 2006

Plans for the week

I will be off from work from today until the New Year. I have all my days, at least those before Christmas, lined up with activities and errands to run.

Today I spent the entire day painting the walls outside the house and got the roof fixed as well. The paint was peeling off the walls. I had to scrape them off before putting on a new coat. Scraping is hard work, more tedious than painting, in my opinion. Not that I meant to spiritualise everything that I do but while doing the walls I did think about it being akin to the removing of the ingrained sin and habits that are etched deep in our lives - hard and painful but something that needs to be done.

The roof has been leaking for awhile and I am glad I got it fixed finally. I guess I was waiting for my husband to do something about it but since I have the time now, I called the repairman and got it fixed in no time.

I almost got the air-conditioner in the hall fixed as well but was advised against having to spend too much replacing the faulty compressor. Looks like we have to go without. A warm Christmas it will be.

I have a client meeting tomorrow morning (even though I am on holiday, I have to chip in 2 hours to attend this meeting), a visit to the Immigration Department to get Calvin a passport and more cleaning and some shopping.

On Saturday I have band practice. I also need to get some things ready for the Christmas party on Christmas eve. I should be baking my cake on Saturday since I will be spending Sunday morning in church.

I will be worshipping leading on Sunday morning and then I have to rush home to get things prepared for the party. I have already ordered a turkey (it is kind of a common practice to have turkey for Christmas here) and my brother will be picking it up in the evening. I am looking forward to a good time with family and friends.

On Christmas morning, we will be attending our church's combined Christmas service - 4 services together, with more than 1,200 people, if not 1,500. We will having it in Hotel Istana. There will be lots to do, but this year I get a break since we take turns every year to lead in worship.

From then on, I have no set plans. Not yet, that is.


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