Thursday, September 14, 2006

But why?

It has been a very stressful month, so much so that I wake up every morning with this squeezing feeling in my heart dreading the day ahead. God has been with me all along though sometimes it is hard to "feel" him around, but I know He is because He is Emmanuel.

During my morning devotion today, I went to John 14 for words of comfort and reread it for the umpteenth time.

John 14:1-3 (ESV)
"Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.

Jesus said these words to his disciples after the Last Supper and just before he was betrayed and taken in to be crucified. In that context, these are comforting words to the disciples who will remember them later, "where I am you may be also".

In our context however, I began to ask again the fundamental and most basic of questions: why did God create us knowing we will turn away? Why did God make us when some of us will be banished into hell with gnashing of teeth? This gnashing of teeth became somewhat a little too real to me because of the past month's stress and anguish. But I know the real thing will be thousands and millions times worse; and I cannot bear to think about it. So why did God create us to have some of us this possibility of suffering, and not just suffering for that matter, but suffering for eternity. Too unbearable to think. I obviously still don't know why. But whatever I say or think, God is still the great I AM.

Picture by Steve Knight


  1. Maghan,

    Rain falls on the just unjust alike.


  2. Hi, stumbled onto your blog and don't remember how. But I enjoyed reading it. And your pictures are stunning. Just wanted to let you know that. Blessings to you!


  3. Doug,
    The question is: why the rain?
    No creation, no rain, no suffering. I am not being cynical, don't misunderstand me ... just in wonder over the all-sovereign and mysterious God.

  4. Hey Natty :)
    Great to have you visiting. And thanks for your kind words. Do come back often! The pictures BTW are courtesy of, my all-time favourite place for getting no restriction stock pictures. I am but a budding photographer.
    I have taken a brief look at your blog, looks great! - will read it later ... I gotta get back to work!
    Blessing to you and all at home!!

  5. Phew, I was worried about you there for a minute - such a somber post and then my access was "forbidden" to your sight - and then it looked like it was gone. lol. Yes, we do have a sovereign and mysterious God! Hope things are getting better - you're in my prayers!

  6. Hey Julia,
    Sorry I had you worried :) I am OK, I sometimes get too philosophical for my own good and it is that time of the month.

    Forbidden? I didn't know we can forbid people to our site! LOL

  7. I know how that gets. I need to forbid everyone from my sight, too. lol

  8. Maeghan,

    No cynicism taken: that is the truest of questions.

    God created us for His glory. When a farmer harvests a field of wheat, doesn't he thresh it to separate the wheat from the chaf?

    When he is planting the wheat, does the farmer know that he will not be able to harvest only wheat: that chaf will also be a part of what he harvests?

    When the farmer looks across the field does he say 'look at all the chaf'? No! He admires the wheat.

    Just like the farmer with the wheat, God created us, knowing that some of us would end up as wheat, and others chaf. If man's case, I believe it is faith in God that separates the wheat from the chaf.

    Also God must separate or He is not truly soveriegn. He is just, and righteous, and requires the fullfillment of His word, just as He is bound by His word.

    God Bless
