Tuesday, July 11, 2006

I "Moo"-ed and Cran-"field"-ed through

I just delivered my paper in class several hours ago - complete with a Powerpoint presentation - my paper on Romans 6. There is still much to do before the final submission but on the whole the feedback I received was that it was well done and they have enjoyed the discussion. I thank God, for helping me persevere through it all. It was not easy.

However, I was commenting to Noel (my fellow brother and classmate) that I should footnote the entire paper in one big citation creditting Douglas Moo and CEB Cranfield! Only because I think I practically quoted them everywhere. Therefore, I need to give it a re-work to add on more thoughts and what I learnt from class today. But I am glad I have finally got the presentation over and done with.

My lesson for the day though is: God's word is God's word.

One can say it is tough, but one can also say it is easy;
It is profound, and yet it is simple truth at same time.
The more we dwell in His Word, we know more;
And yet realise we don't know enough.

For the word of God is living and active,
sharper than any two-edged sword,
piercing to the division of soul and of spirit,
of joints and of marrow,
and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
~ Heb 4:12

Picture by Bill Davenport

p/s: What I find amusing is that I am fresh and wide awake right now even though it is 1:08 in the morning, compared to the previous nights when I practically knocked off at 11:00pm. Amazing how stress affects a person. A really feel a heavy burden being lifted now that I am done with my Romans paper (though I still have to complete it for submission) - the sky is bright again and I can breathe easy now. Now, what else can I do?!


  1. Maeghan,
    This sounds like a true "beauty in the midst of hardship" story! Glad to hear your paper is done and you still stand amazed at God's word!!


  2. Maeghan,

    Wisdom is gleaning truth from specific sources. If you agree with Moo or Cranfield, then, by golly, quote them.

    There is no need to re-invent the wheel. If you are just pushing opinion out there because it is easier than coming up with your own, then that's a whole different problem.

    The point of research in many cases is not necesarily to come up with some ground-breaking epiphany, but rather to confirm what is believed to be true.

    Ultimately, if you gleaned golden nuggets from these recognized founts of wisdom (Moo/Cran), then you have accomplished what you set out to do.

    God Bless

  3. Yeah! Praise the Lord for completion, and praise the Lord that you feel refreshed at 1:00 AM. :-)

    Thanks for sharing the journey with us.

  4. Doug,
    Thanks again for your encouragement. I guess I get worried because in the other papers, we get warned for quoting too much but this Romans paper I think it is OK. And you are right on all points - thanks!

  5. Codepoke,
    Yeah! alright LOL
    Thanks CP. I forced myself to sleep because I would be waking up at 6am the next morning (every morning except weekends!!).
