Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Friends: the greatest of worldly goods and the chief happiness of life

I did say that I'm addicted to the TV but I'm in a reading phase right now, finishing 4 books in just 2 weeks.

And since I'm in the groove, after finishing a book yesterday night, I went hunting for another and this book caught my eye. I bought it and started on it immediately. 

Made for Friendship: The Relationship that Halves our Sorrows and Doubles Our Joy
by Drew Hunter

I'm already three-quarters way through and found it very good. I'm also glad that it coincides with my desire now to reconnect with my friends whom I have not spoken to for the longest time, what with the pandemic and all. So it is good that I get to be more thoughtful as I do so.

The book touches on the necessity of friendship, the gift of friendship and the redemption of friendship. 

And one thing that does strike me is one of the deterrents to making and forming friendship - busyness. We are usually too busy for our friends.

Hunter says that rather than saying that we have no time, isn't it better to say “Let’s get together! How about next month?” We do need to make time.

Yes, friendship takes time but it is one of the most important things in our lives. On our deathbed, we will never wish we had spent more time at work, on the screen or even to travel, but we would wish that we had spent more time with our loved ones, our friends. 

Hunter quoted many authors, philosophers and to my surprise even bible scholars and also Church Fathers who spoke so highly about friendship, in that it is the “the greatest of worldly goods” and “the chief happiness of life.” (C.S. Lewis).

Here are a few more quotes:

Two things are essential in this world—life, and friendship. Both must be prized highly, and not undervalued. They are nature’s gifts. We were created by God that we might live; but if we are not to live solitarily, we must have friendship. 
~ Augustine

This world is full of sorrow because it is full of sin. It is a dark place. It is a lonely place. It is a disappointing place. The brightest sunbeam in it is a friend. Friendship halves our troubles and doubles our joys. 
~ J. C. Ryle

When thou hast found such a man, and proved the sincerity of his friendship; when he has been faithful . . . to thee, grapple him to thyself with hooks of steel and never let him go. 
~ Charles Spurgeon

We have few friendships, because we are not willing to pay the price of friendship. . . . The secret of friendship is just the secret of all spiritual blessing. The way to get is to give. 
~ Hugh Black

Our friends who will halve our sorrows and double our joys, how can we not preserve and build our friendships. 

Think of whom you need to rekindle your friendship with: talk to them, do things together, eat together, affirm and encourage each other.

Be a friend. 


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