Thursday, March 17, 2016

Such amazing hope we have

The one piece which I like most in The Messiah is the soprano's I Know My Redeemer Liveth. We had a full rehearsal today, being the eve of the performance and we went through the entire work. And when I heard the soprano sang these lines, "I know that my Redeemer liveth, and though worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God," I was mesmerized.

I even have goosebumps now looking those words penned by Handel. Indeed, I know that my Redeemer liveth, and though worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God.

Such amazing hope we have in Jesus, that though the world is in a mess, with it being corrupted and in chaos, and though I will die, yet in my flesh--how amazing is that--in my flesh, I shall see God. 

That is the hope I am holding on to until I actually see Him in person, for I shall indeed see Him.



  1. I love the word "know" Pearlie. Speaks to me of how our hope is based on knowing God. Hard to communicate to a person that does not "know" God.

  2. Indeed. That word says a lot. And it also points us to a God who has revealed himself to us. I have asked the question before, "why doesn't God just show himself", and realised it before I even finished asking the question, is that he did!

  3. A few days I blogged about the difference between worldly hope and heavenly hope at The former is rooted in wishing while latter is rooted in knowing. An important distinction.
