Sunday, October 11, 2015

I am forgiven!

We had our third session of Christianity Explored this morning and what impressed me the most was this video with the analogy of a room where what if all the walls in the room were to be filled with all your life, everything, good and bad.

What if you were to stick on the walls all records of your thoughts, good ones or lewd ones, all your words how gentle or rude, all your deeds how decent or indecent they are. You obviously would keep the room tightly locked and if you could put a spell on it to be locked forever to anyone but you, you certainly would.

The video's message was that we are not inherently good, not at all. We can readily admit we are bad, and that we need help.

When we returned to our discussion group to discuss it, it was through the discussion that I had some sort of an epiphany. I imagined I had all of my life pasted on the walls in the room. They are real. I have thought, said and done those things - some good but mostly terrible.

But the amazing thing is that God then comes into the room and tells me he forgives me through the blood of Jesus! All of them. He has removed them. Sure, I still face the consequences, but they are no longer in my account.

I am forgiven! And I thought that was awesome.


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