Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Five Things About Pearlie

KC Bob tagged me for a creative blogger award. And I thank him for his kind words to me as "a long time friend, thoughtful blogger and devoted follower of Christ."

I decide not to tag anyone since I don't have many who are actively commenting here anymore. Only Bob and Susan and a couple of others who come by once in awhile.

So here are my five facts:
1. I like to think and write and have been doing that with this blog since 2006.
2. I like to read...a lot.
3. I collect a lot of things, and facts, and articles, anything I find might be useful.
4. I sing everyday. In the car. In the shower. I sing to myself sometimes, like in taking to myself.
5. I am a night person, delaying sleep not wanting the day to end so soon.



  1. Enjoyed reading your 5!! I am not surprised by any of them.

  2. Someday I would love to hear you sing Pearlie. Maybe a shared YouTube clip? ツ

  3. Susan, you know me well :)
    KB, I don't have any in the YouTube, though I think there is a duet just uploaded - the thing is I dare not watch it!!! I will watch it now...if I really like it I will post it, if I think it is just ok, I will email you the link. If not...no one gets to see it, unless of course you can find it in YouTube yourself. Hehe...

  4. I tried searching YouTube but could not find it. ツ

  5. I've posted it. I listened to it and it's alright... :)

  6. If it is the one that Alicia Tan posted, I absolutely loved it! The song moved me. You have such a beautiful voice Pearlie. Here is the link [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IipppToowVE] just in case others want to watch/listen.

  7. Yes, that's the one and thanks for your compliment :)

  8. Ah...now I know I was not clear. I posted it meaning I posted it here: http://www.pearliegates.com/2015/07/he-loved-me-by-tom-fettke.html

  9. Lovely! Thank you to KC Bob now I too heard you Pearlie.
