Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Tribute to my blogger friends

I realise it has been too long since I've spoken about my fellow blogger friends and it's time I do.

I'm amazed myself that I've been blogging for almost 10 years. I started in March 2006. I've made several friends but blogs have been slowing down for awhile now and so I would like to pay tribute to these few of my stalwart bloggers and friends:

Bob of Kansas City Bob
Bob has become a very good friend. He has helped me so much from helping me fix my blog to giving me advice about life. I'm not sure if I'll ever go to the States but if I do I must make my way to the middle of the continent to meet him.

Susan of Penless Writer
Susan is so dear to me as a blogger friend. She's wonderfully sweet and she finds joy in the simplest of things, that which is a hard thing to do for stressed up people like me.

Julia of Kingdom Jewels
I must make mention again that Julia is my first blogger friend and even though we have not really been connecting very much lately, it really have been 9 years since we known each other. I literally watched her kids grow up from kids to adulthood.

And it's wonderful that I've just made a new blogger friend:

Retha of retha's rambles
She sent a birthday surprise to Susan and husband Mickey in the form of a meal in a restaurant. I found that to be so special that I went to her blog to leave a note. She on the other hand saw my comment in Susan's blog and wanted to visit my blog and then saw my comment on hers. As I don't really want to believe in coincidences, I hope this marks a start to a great new blogger friendship.

Long live blogging!



  1. Wow, it has been so long and it means so much to me to have you for a friend, Pearlie. I do hope we meet one day!

  2. Thank you for your kind words and this lovely blog. I am especially happy to hear you and Retha have connected!! I don't believe in instances either, but I certainly believe in God connections - and that is what this is!!! I pray you both find each other to be the blessing I know you are. ((hugs))

  3. Thanks for the very kind words Pearlie. I reciprocate the sentiment and have really enjoyed being friends. Never know, one of these days I may land in your part of the world. :)

    I started blogging in 2004 and began to really enjoy it when folks like you, Codepoke, Milly, Karen, Jeff and others seemed like a bit of a blogging community. Then came Facebook. ...

  4. Julia, yes! I do hope so too.
    Thanks Susan! (((Hugs back)))
    Bob, think Malaysia if you feel like a holiday in the East :)

  5. Aww pearlie, it is so sweet of you to mention me! Although I might not be so regular on my blog, may we get to know each other.

  6. Retha, i will still keep an eye on your blog and yes, I do hope we will get to know each other too.
