Sunday, April 12, 2015

Counterfeit Gospels

Counterfeit Gospels: Rediscovering the Good News in a World of False Hope
by Trevin Wax

Pastor Joshua preached on Col 1:1-8 today and made a reference to this book by Trevin Wax.

Wax categorised the counterfeits to these six:
1. Therapeutic
2. Judgmentless
3. Moralist
4. Quietest
5. Activist
6. Churchless

This will be a good read when I finish reading N.T. Wright's How God Became King, Getting to the Heart of the Gospel. I'm especially interested in the Quietist counterfeit.



  1. Will be eager to read your review of the Counterfeit's because sadly I feel MOST of what is being presented to the world today is just that.

  2. Sadly, that is so true. I'm not getting the book yet. Will certainly blog about it when I do.
