Friday, January 16, 2015

Tough Week

It was a tough week, emotional and difficult. I am not free to say much here. There wasn't a death or a discovery of a terminal illness, but to a certain extent it is quite close to such, in an emotional and spiritual sense. I tried to blog about other things but this really filled up my week, and I can't dismiss it. Therefore, to keep to my blogging purposes to have a public journal of my days, this has to be mentioned, but with no details. Just my thoughts and emotions.

I have experienced the Kubler-Ross Grief Model in just a span of five days--denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance, which I would re-word as disbelief, anger, weighing options, and sadness with feeling of resignation.

Yes, that would surmise what I went through in the past few days. What a way to start the new year, but there it is. I pray for God's mercy and grace for all of us. I am thankful and grateful that God is sovereign, faithful, loving and just. In spite of the monstrosity of humanity, He is good.



  1. So thankful that you can say God is good. Praying for you!

  2. Thanks Julia. You are in my prayer list too. God bless.
