Saturday, September 20, 2014

Askt - another journaling app

I am currently using a couple of journaling apps and I just happened to find another interesting one call Askt.

I use Momento to write my journal. It also include my daily blog post in it as well to give quite a nice round up of my days. It has become a must-have app for me since I write as a therapy to manage my emotions and thoughts.

Surprisingly, I am still using Highs and Lows, as I document my highest and lowest point of my every day. I find doing that help bring meaning to every one of my days as I live them. It also helps me realise that some days are kind of wasted but on the other hand these mundane days are also days that give me a sense of peace and thanksgiving to God who is always so gracious and faithful.

Askt is quite intriguing. It gives you one question every day and gives you space to type out your answers. And as you come back to the same question in the next year and answer it, you will see how you may have changed.

I am just on day two with Askt today and I look forward to the next few days' questions. I do think it will actually my interest as long as the other two journaling apps.


1 comment:

  1. Hey, why not try Loop Journal? A tiny but interesting journaling app, 365 questions to guide your thoughts and let you see how you've changed over the years.

    Please contact us at openmouse at me dot com if you are interested in giving Loop Journal a try! Thank you!
