Wednesday, April 03, 2013

DA Carson's ebooks at 75% off! just had a March Madness tournament of your favourite author and this was how it fared, with DA Carson emerging the "winner". As such, a selection of his books are with a 75% discount, which is really a very good deal.

Check it out here as well as the discounts available for the other authors.



  1. I came across your blog via a search for chiasms. Nice blog. I like your interests. They seem somewhat similar to mine. Thot I would just mention my chiasmus blog in case your interested:

    Take care. I'll be visiting your blog from time to time. :-)

  2. Hi! Thanks for visiting and leaving a note here. And I love chiasms. My NT lecturer used to shake his head at me whenever I bring it up! LOL

    I have gone over to your chiasm blog and like what I saw. And I will spend some time looking through your posts, though it might take some time!
