Monday, May 21, 2012

25G of free cloud space

I have quite a number of PDF resources for reference but they are inconveniently stored in my netbook at home. And everytime I need to refer to something, I always wished my netbook was with me. I did think  about storing them in the cloud but my Dropbox account only has 2.75G space, and it was quite used up as well. And to buy more space is too expensive in Dropbox - 50G space cost USD99 a year!

So I started hunting around for some  more free space and what do you know - it was perfect timing - Microsoft has just launched its own version of cloud storage called SkyDrive with 7G free space.
But the beauty of it was that if you were a Hotmail account holder before 22 April 2012, you will be eligible for 25G of free space. My 11G folder of resources is finally accessible to me wherever I go, in all my devices.

You better go claim it before it is too late:



  1. Somehow I have 7gb of SkyDrive space. Been using it for a few years. Also recently added 5gb of Google Drive space.

  2. I think you can still claim it. Try logging in and see where you can click to claim the 25G.

  3. The charge for an additional 20gb is $10/year. Not bad.

  4. There should be "free upgrade" next to the 7G to click on.
    For a clearer picture check this out:

    Hope the free upgrade is still valid.

  5. Sadly mine does not include that option.
