Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Word Removal Tool to Aid Memorization

Do you take the effort to memorize bible verses?

The younger you start the longer they stay in your brains. The few verses that I memorized in my younger days are still with me, but the ones I have memorized later in my life have disappeared.

The church I now attend does a bible verse memory execrcise every Sunday, by the pastor before he begins to preach. And I have picked it up again, using the Bible Verses app in my iPhone, which is good because apparently the act of memorizing using a word removal tool really aids in memorization, not flash cards.

For a web-based tool, I think this should be available - www.mybiblememory.com



  1. You should check out the Fighter Verses app. It's not free, but it's only $2.99 and if you're serious about bible memorization it's worth the investment. It has many features in addition to a fill in the blank quiz, like a predefined set of verses to learn, using the verse as your lock screen, playing looping audio of the verse, listening to verse songs. You can also add any verse you want without needing to type it in. The app continues to be updated so many new features will continue to be added, like more quizzes in the next version.

  2. Hi John,
    Thanks for the recommendation. I made a visit to their website and I do like it. And it works in both iPhone and iPad too. I think I may get it.
    Are you involved in its development?

    Thanks again!

  3. Yes, I am the primary developer. Thanks!

  4. Hi John,
    I just purchased it!
    Could you give me your email address so I can PM you on some questions I have? Many thanks!

