Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Printed Books vs. e-Books 2

I have written sometime ago on Printed Books vs. e-Books and which would you prefer. I wrote that piece last year in July and commented that I would just get e-commentaries and printed books of those I want to read cover to cover.

But in just less than a year, things have changed. I was investigating how I could buy e-books, and found out that you could only do so if you are in the US or UK (at least) as most of the e-books are not available internationally. I am not sure if it is so for Kindle but for the iPhone, they are not until I was introduced to Kobo. In just over a week since I have downloaded the app, I have finished reading one book, halfway through another and just purchased another one that I can't wait to get into.

And it is great feeling that I am back to reading and thinking and mulling again, and hopefully writing too.


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