Saturday, March 26, 2011

My 5-month TEE marathon

Today marks the end of my TEE marathon which begun in November 2010 until a moment ago when I sent off the last of the 6 assignments that I have to submit for 3 modules.

BUT I still have one more module to go! Ah, the last leg of a race is always the hardest. But I can at least rest for awhile until my final deadline for my last 2 New Testament assignments on 5th September 2011. I am sure I can give myself a break of at least 2-3 months before I dive back in.

However, you may agree that since I am on the roll, I should keep the momentum going and start working on the two papers. But 5 months is a long time. If I can manage 6 papers in the past 5 months, I am sure I can do better with 2 in the same time.

In that 5 months of churning out paper after paper, quality is the not prime in my mind as it was before. My goal is just to finish them in time for submission and if I think they are okay, off they go. Can't think too much, can't amend or change or add too much.

Phew! It has been a tiring 5 months. I thank God I am still in one piece, or at least I think so. I was struggling last week on the doctrine of monotheism. It is not a struggle of the doctrine in itself but something that is quite quirky but worrying to me.

Ah! I must stop thinking. Maybe 'tis time to hibernate.

Sigh ... I wish!


1 comment:

  1. and the time for the lecturers to get busy marking those papers! crazy feat indeed that. assuming you do 6 papers in 5 months, actually you could have completed the whose course in just 3.5 years!!!!!!!!
