Saturday, May 22, 2010

My everlasting TEE

I have started taking my Masters in Christian Studies under STM's TEE since 2003 and this will be my 7th year, the last year given to complete it. But I am still short of 2 core modules and 3 electives. I will be applying for an extension and I will need to put in more effort so that I will complete it in time.

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.

By the way, I have just obtained the result of my last paper, where I have done a comparative study on Buddhist and Christian meditation. I have really enjoyed writing the paper, which include two interviews with practicing Buddhists on the topic of meditation. I found that Buddhists must meditate as much as Christians must worship. And I worked it in the paper how we as Christians can relate to Buddhists through this topic. I have begun to understand both Christian meditation and Buddhism a bit more, and that I feel, is a good thing.



  1. 7 years ... wow. Keep it up.

  2. you are not blogging during lectures I hope!

    2 core and 3 electives by next October is possible.

    Hope to see you at next year's graduation - coz I promise to attend two of your fellow TEE's graduation!

  3. Thanks, Hoong Weng.
    Yes it was, Reb.
    Chee Ling, no I wasn't! Dr Chew had my full attention :)
