Thursday, November 12, 2009

What do you need to throw away?

I was clearing up some clutter in the house - well, maybe "some" is an understatement. I have this load of old stuff that I know I must throw away ages ago. And now that I did, I will feel better and much relieved that they are gone.

Isn't life like that sometimes, where there are certain things you just do not want to throw away but yet you know you should, like past memories you shouldn't want to bring back, old grudges, overdue expectations, archaic way of thinking, out-of-date love songs ...

What do you need to throw away?



  1. My old 44" projection TV has been sitting in the garage since the summer.. it is being recycled Saturday at the church recycling effort.. it will cost me $25 to recycle it but it will be worth it :)

  2. A thought we should ask ourselves daily ... letting go of those things that hinder us

  3. Yeah.. paying to recycle.. crazy huh?

  4. KB,
    You must watch this:

    This is a typical scene in a housing area in Malaysia where trucks ply the place and blasting in high volume, "old newspaper, paper lama (lama = old in Malay), sau kau bou jee (keep old newspaper in Cantonese)", i.e. they buy old newspaper and and old stuff from us for them to recycle.

  5. Something got lost in translation Pearlie.. the video was interesting though :)
