Saturday, April 11, 2009

Early to bed and early to rise

Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy wealthy and wise
~ Benjamin Franklin

The early bird gets the worm
~ Anon.

Believe me, you have to get up early if you want to get out of bed
~ Groucho Marx

It gets late early out there
~ Yogi Berra

I have always been a late bird, a night owl, whatever you call it and I revel in the days when I can stay up late into the night till 2am and sleep in until 11. This week however, I am beginning to realise that I might be missing out on something.

Being the holy week, the church holds dawn prayer every morning at 5.30am. I did not make it to the prayer meetings until 2 days ago. Being up so early in the morning was harsh for me but I stuck to it and I found something that is so stark common and yet new to me.

I found out that my days are so much longer and having a long weekend is what I have always wanted. The day just stretched on and on! After prayer today, SH, Calvin and I went for breakfast and then to the mall, and when we were done, I looked at the time, and it was only 1! I still have half a day to spend! Wow! Haha!

I know I am using superlatives after superlatives here and if you are a morning person, you would be just 'duh!' :) But I'd be oblivious to you -- this is really something to me! Haha!


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