Saturday, February 28, 2009

No Books? Mana boleh?*

I was commenting in Kar Yong's blog in his post, Books...books...books..., that in my case it will be "no books". Well, talk about speaking too soon.

I was in Pustaka SUFES this morning to pick up some books for the church library. I went there gritting my teeth as I enter the bookstore that I won't get any books for myself. I did not grit hard enough. The only consolation --or not-- is that I came away with two not-so-Kar-Yong-serious books.

Awed to Heaven, Rooted in Earth
Prayers of Walter Brueggemann
I bought it because I was captivated by his poetrical prayers, like this one: Retext us. We confess you to be text-maker, text-giver, text-worker, and we find ourselves addressed by your giving, making, working. So now we bid you, re-text us by your spirit.
(for copyright purpose, I will not reproduce the entire prayer here.)

The second book? Well, it is kind of a secret I cannot disclose here. And if you are one who can't live without trying to solve all the mysteries in the world, anobii is the clue. :)

* Where can?


  1. it has been more than a year, each time I go su fes,,,,find no book to buy...

    no choice, then buy from amazon,,,ultra expensive..

  2. Really? What kind of books were you looking for? Actually since I was on the run with 2 books in hand, I went looking for one more which I am trying to get - the TNIV Books of the Bible - no luck. Can't get it from Bible Society either. I'll have to go Amazon then.

    Hmmm ... I think ah, we should start an Amazon club - a group of us buying books from Amazon once a month, so that we don't have to pay so much in shipment - good idea eh? For those in KL-PJ lar.

  3. To be more effective ... SUFES should have a poster of you stapled in the doorway that says, "when you see this lady, BAR her from entering and buying" or at the counter "do not process payment from PN - with your picture at the cash-machine". (though I doubt they would do that to their "premier customer"):P Hehe ... the selections of books there are much "wider" than the ones I get here ... although they are still pricey despite being bought in a bulk (don't they get discount for that?). And by the way, you serious ah want to make you anobii known to the whole world? :) No heart pain? :P ... Cheers!

  4. Hmm...does this make me a prophet??

    I think perhaps we could start a small book business - we only stock "serious" books. Then we can negotiate directly with publishers and we can save some $$. Haha...

    Since I moved out of the neighbourhood of SUFES more than a year ago, I have not been back there.

  5. Kar Yong,
    does this make me a prophet?
    You sure you wanna be one? :P

    In other words, you wanna be middle man? I wonder if that is worse than being a prophet!

  6. Recent years I only buy books on the subject of literary criticism to Bible.

    last time fond of theology, now hardly read theology books , so just makan interest saja..

    I notice, even buy in bulk from amazon, the shippment cost remain the same...because they charge delivering cost per book..

  7. davinci,
    The last I checked there is USD5 per shipment and USD5 per book. So there is quite a lot of difference if you buy one book and 10 books. Unless there are changes :)

  8. how come, all these years, they charge me shippment cost per book? and they definitely more than usd5per book....!!!

    I mean the online purchase of amazon, send from US to malaysia,,,,

  9. Well, Pearlie, nabi palsu maybe.. :-)

    Yes, there are 2 charges for amazon - first, per shipment charge, and per book charge. So the more books you order, you will automatically save on the per shipment charge on average. If you order 1 book, it will be: US$5 per shipment + US$5 per book charge, total of US$10.

    If you buy 5 books, it will be: US$5 per shipment charge + US$25 for 5 books (US$5 per book), total of US$30 - that works out to be an average of US$6 per book.

    Hope this clarifies.

  10. Thanks KY for clarifying it.
