Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Long Break Day 6
Mesra Jiran Christmas Party

The day finally came for the evangelistic Christmas event we called the Mesra Jiran Christmas Party (Neighbourhood Christmas Party).

Getting ready for the party.

John - he would be the busiest man of the event.

A party will never be complete without balloons.

My sweet.

The youth have been practicing for their play for too long.

My new pair of shoes!

It will soon begin.

The choir practicing.

Calvin and his cheese costume for the kid's fancy dress competition.

Calvin, the Cheese with his two mice.

Chloe, the Pink Fairy -- I made the dress out of an old skirt of mine.

SH's sister, Melissa with her two kids, Jasmine and Clara.

The guests are arriving!

The food too arrived. See my cake? :)
I did hope it would not taste too bad, since I was not happy with the baking, nor the decorating for that matter, but what do you know, it received raving reviews. I am happy!

Hock Siong, SH and Desmond.

Let's begin!

Games time.

The event then started and this photographer had no more opportunities for anymore shots :)



  1. All looks wonderful, inviting and fun.

  2. :) guess u worried too much about the cake. :P Merry Christmas! mine was spent being awfully sick [too sick i can't even read]. only feel better this morning. take care!

  3. A very party-oriented selection of photos Pearlie. Nice. Bet your pary was great! - Dave

  4. Thanks all. It was also good because we see today some old faces back. We pray that they will grow closer to the Lord.
