Sunday, December 21, 2008

Long Break Day 3
Playing Doubles

These 2 days have been rather interesting. Things seem to happen in doubles.

Yesterday evening, I was in my old church in the city singing in the choir, presenting Night of Miracles, a Christmas Cantata by John W. Peterson. I finally managed to work with Joanna, the solo section I was to sing and I finally sang it quite ok, thankfully. The entire choir did wonderfully well. The night was not over because right after the presentation I literally flew back in my car to Chee Seng and Wai Leng's home. They had invited us over to greet the carollers from our church. The carollers arrived at about 11 and we sang carols deep into the night.

This morning, the choir did another session of Night of Miracles in my old church, during its worship service. After the service, again I flew back to my church, in my car, and arrived during the after-service-refreshment/fellowship time. In a matter of speaking, I attended service in one church and fellowshipped in another, which soon worked into a wonderful community time - we helped out in preparing small gifts for the old folks home and then in the youth drama practice, for the Christmas evangelistic celebration on the 24th.

Then in the evening, we were in SH's parents home for dinner. Today is the Winter Solstice Festival celebration, based on the Chinese calendar. After dinner, we headed off to Yew Meng and Vicky's home for the second day of carolling team's visit, and we had dinner again! The night wore on, but we had a wonderful time of fellowship with Yew Meng and Vicky's family, and other church members who were also invited. I remembered when we decided to change church from a city church to a neighbourhood church, it was my prayer that we will get connected to a community -- and the prayer was clearly answered. We are indeed a part of a faith community, sharing lives together, in love and joy.



  1. Enjoyed reading about your long break Pearlie.. this especially was sweet..

    "We are indeed a part of a faith community, sharing lives together, in love and joy."

  2. Thanks KB :) and if you think about it, we are too a part of the blog side of a faith community, where we do share our lives together, in love and in joy.

  3. well done Pearlie. Seems that you had a very hectic but happy time. I'm sure that your singing was great! - Dave
