Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I dare not entitle this post "Justification in the Pauline Corpus: Day 5" with what I am going to post here. I stumbled upon this video some weeks ago and simply loved it. I am putting it here because in a way, I am like that Kiwi trying to wade myself through the myriad theological thoughts and teachings on justification, sanctification, redemption, reconciliation, salvation, propitiation, expiation, imputation, penal substitution and on top of all that the New Perspective on Paul, with not only its own version of justification, sanctification, redemption, reconciliation, salvation, propitiation, expiation, imputation, penal substitution but also Second Temple Judaism and covenantal nomism. Whoa!

Kiwi! © 2006 Dony Permedi
Music by Tim Cassell

Quite dismal to think about it, if I were to build and gather up accolades only to meet my death if they were accomplished for my own purposes. So, God help me.


p/s I was explaining to Calvin how I connected the animation to my drowning in justification, sanctification, redemption, reconciliation, salvation, propitiation, expiation, imputation, penal substitution, and his respond was "and urination". Oh, dear.

p/ss on 25/3/08 It just dawned on me when I reread this - drowning in urination? Eww ...


  1. Oh, goodness! That is truly the most frightening cartoon I have ever watched.

    You have a knack for locating just the right illustrations.

  2. Missy,
    Yes, it is in a way frightening, but sad mostly. But isn't it scary to think that we may end up that way. We thank God for his grace and his prodding and nudging to get us into shape.

  3. hi pearlie,

    I find the video exhilarating and encouraging. After all its hard work (it must have taken the kiwi bird years to nail all these trees), it can enjoy the moment, however brief, of flying above the tree tops like other birds. Kiwi can't fly and it must have longed to.

    Tell Calvin, I agree with him fully about the 'urination' part. Your son has great insight.

  4. Alex,
    That was how I took it the first few times I saw it, that he would go through all the hardwork just so he could "fly", a dream that cost him his life as well. Utterly poignant. And in a sense, it's life - the ongoing doing and moving, for what ... reminds me of Heb 11:1 that for us, we have the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen, that is only through Christ. Yeah, this is probably one more way of "using" the animation - the vanity/meaningless of life.

    Haha ... I will convey your message to Calvin ;)

  5. Isn't that the way life is? We try to fly without wings and fall short. Thank God He has big hands to catch us.

  6. Milly,
    God knows our limits, we don't sometimes. We should be so thankful that we can fall back on God.

  7. Pearlie - I might have skipped it if it was called "Justification in the Pauline Corpus: Day 5", sorry, don't always have the time to wade through it, but this one had a good messsage. Glad you are able to see the bigger picture too.

  8. Julia,
    :) I understand but you might want to take a look at Justification in the Pauline Corpus: Day 6 ;)
