Saturday, March 22, 2008

Holy Saturday
We will remember the cross

We spent a quiet day today. I am having a headache and a bit worried about tomorrow's line up. We will be having our Easter Service at 6.30am as a Sunrise Service, where SH and I will be transferring our membership officially over. Then I have to rush over to our family church where Grace Notes is helping out the church choir in their Easter Service. We are singing "Mighty Cross, A Celebration of the Tree of Life"*. I am doing a short one-page solo piece entitled, "We Will Remember the Cross". I am freaking out because I keep forgetting the words and it is at my most challenging and weak range: the G and A above the middle-C are my horror notes.

We will remember the cross
Lifted high upon the hill
We will remember His loss
And the blood that's pleading still
O the wonder of his suffering love
And the crown of pain he wore
We will remember the cross of our Lord
(David Baroni and John Chisum)

I need your prayers. But most of all for the message of the mighty cross to be received by the people.


* Created by Don Moen and Tom Hartley, arranged by Dave Williamson


  1. I will pray for you. When things settle down, I tagged you on my page for 'meme'.

    Take care! :)

  2. Hey Randi, thank you!
    And Happy Easter!

  3. Pearlie- I'll pray for you too. Are the A & G too high or too low?

  4. Thanks Julia!
    The odd thing is: they are neither too high or too low - they are right smack in the middle of my transition between my low range and high range, but I seem to handle them better already.
