Friday, January 04, 2008

Daily with M'Cheyne

I dare not come up with any New Year resolutions but there are a few things I hope to pick up this year. One of my 2008 goals is to read the bible everyday using the M'Cheyne schedule. I hope to complete reading the bible, the NT and Psalms twice through and the rest once, within these 2 years. I make it a point to read the bible with Calvin every night, using the New Living Translation (Tyndale, 1996), a version which gives me quite a fresh insight into the readings as well. Many a times, it's like I've never seen it this way before.

Since the start of the year, we have read until Genesis 4 and Matthew 4. Robert Murray M'Cheyne's reading schedule is quite unique. His arrangement of passages draws you to meditate on the richness of God's revelation. Over these 4 days, Calvin and I have been reading the creation (Gen 1) with the promise of the birth of the Messiah (Matt 1), the creation of man and woman (Gen 2) with God leading the movement of one man and one woman (Matt 2), the fall of man (Gen 3) with the warning hailed by John the Baptist and the presentation of Jesus during his baptism (Matt 3), murder and more murder (Gen 4) with the 3 temptations Jesus faced (Matt 4). It is quite amazing when we tie the OT and NT together: which they are anyway - both amazing and tied together.

The online M'Cheyne interactive schedule is found here and the RSS feed link here.


  1. This sounds like a neat study outline. I had not heard of this one before. We are currently reading through the Amplified Bible and are up to Ruth. It never ceases to amaze me how God shows us "new" things no matter how often we have read a particular passage.

  2. Pearlie- This sounds like a good one to do. I started the One Year Bible's outline this year, but maybe I'll look into this one. It is amazing how we continually learn from the Bible!

  3. And if you are interested you can check out DA Carson's daily reading using the M'Cheyne schedule - For the Love of God Vol 1 and Vol 2. It is very good as well.
