Saturday, October 06, 2007

World War Won

My son has several favourite authors and Dave Pilkey is one of them. Lately, he has been demanding that I read bedtime stories to him every night, which I have been gladly doing.

This time, he wanted me to read Dave Pilkey's World War Won found here. Pilkey's talent in artwork and humour was apparent since childhood. In high school though, he was insulted and teased by his teachers. But soon enough, a professor in the university he attended noticed his scribblings in a notebook and encouraged him to illustrate children's book. Pilkey entered his first book, World War Won, in a national competition for student authors and won in his age category. The award included the book's publishing in 1987.

The book is no longer in print. Pilkey purchased all of the rights to this book in 2002, and made it available as a free website exclusive.

It is a very good read.



  1. hi pearlie,

    that's a great website. I spent hours there. Captain Underpants. cool.

  2. I found the Captain Underpants sort of by accident in MPH. I bought him the first book and there is no stopping after that :) he looking fwd to the 9th in the series.

  3. I love kids' books. I dabbled with the idea of doing them myself--even got rejected a number of times!

    Teachers insulting and teasing. . .in high school. That's just shameful, but it happened to me, too.

    Why would they do that?

    Enjoy the reading sessions! I miss those.

  4. Karen,
    Among my favourite kid's books - those that are really artistic and ingenious are Eric Carle and especially Pamela Allen. Have you seen their books?
