Saturday, June 02, 2007

Lina Joy

CCM Press Statement on
Court of Appeal Judgement on Lina Joy

The Council of Churches of Malaysia (CCM) views with great regret and concern the majority judgement that was made yesterday by the Court of Appeal.

We believe that the constitutional provision in Article 11 which guarantees freedom of religion in our country has been severely violated.

The majority judgement has denied the individual a right guaranteed under the constitution, a right to freedom of conscience and choice of religion. It would appear that the constitution is being read subject to extraneous (Syariah) considerations.

It is, therefore, vital that the necessary legislation be enacted to ensure that no citizen would feel penalized when he or she exercises the individual right to choose a faith and to practice it in freedom.

The CCM calls on the government to set in motion measures to protect religious freedom as originally envisaged in the Federal Constitution of 1957.

On this our 50th anniversary of Merdeka we cannot feel a strong sense of celebration when a citizen like Lina Joy, and others like her, have their rights taken away from them from the very courts that are duty bound to protect the civil liberties of all citizens and treat all equal under the law.

Rev. Dr. Thomas Philips

Rev. Dr. Hermen Shastri
General Secretary

Dated: 31st May 2007

Federal Court rejects Lina's appeal in a majority decision
Judge: It’s illegal and unreasonable
Lina unhappy with decision
CJ: NRD’s requirement is reasonable
Mixed reaction to court decision

CCM's website


  1. Oh Pearlie, YOU are very much flesh and blood - I just can't touch and see you (except in my minds eye). I laughed at your comment :o) Yes, if they only knew!! I think we love blogging because we DO have such full lives and wish to share it with others and enjoy their, too. Double blessings.

  2. I just can't touch and see you
    Ten years ago, it would have been worse. Life is so different now with the internet and of course, blogging. And the truth is, I know you more than most I could feel and touch :)

  3. You have some prayer time here.

  4. This is truly a horrible thing. At least many people know she is not islamic because of the publicity. But others who are in the same situation must constantly and verbally correct things every time someone looks at their ID card.
