Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Happy Birthday!

Calvin turns 9 today. Being the 3rd day of Chinese New Year, a no school day and everyone out of town, it is going to be a quiet birthday with just his daddy and mommy.

So, it is a Calvin-day and he gets to do and go where he wants to go.

We were at the mall, he wanted to go to Ikea for meatballs. We also went to the bookstore, he got a book of magic tricks, and the art supplies store to get some stuff he wanted: paints and PVA glue. For his birthday dinner, he discovered escargot not long ago and so we brought him to a restaurant promising as much escargot as he wants.

Happy Birthday Calvin!



  1. Happy Birthday Calvin!

  2. Yes - to a wonderful day!

    (Except for the escargot, my 10 year old, Nate, would choose the same things!)

  3. Happy Birthday to Calvin!!! I mean Roadcrosser. If you lived here, it would STILL be your birthday :)

  4. Hey, these are great pictures!

  5. Oh, I love the pictures, I missed them last time around. Thanks!

  6. I just put them up Missy. This forgetful mommy forgot the camera and we used daddy's phone :)
