Friday, December 08, 2006

Oh dear ...

We had our first rehearsal at the main church where we will be having our Christmas musical and it was not easy. We have been practicing since August and we were doing okay until trying it out for the first time here. Having just renovated the church, the acoustics of the church have caused quite a lot of feedback causing delays - the choir and the musicians simply could not hear each other on time.

Picture by Andy Ridgway


  1. Yikes!

    My prayers go out to you.

    God Bless

  2. Thanks :)
    Our choir director just told us she couldn't sleep yesterday!

  3. Meaghan - In our final rehearsals last year, we were incredibly awful. We were in a much larger venue than we had ever performed in, and the acoustics really threw us off. We were sure that it would be a disaster. But God took over from there. We were spirit-filled from that dose of humility and helplessness, and it turned into a magical performance where the praises were lifted up to God and His Son, not for the approval of man. The recordings still give me a chill!

    I will pray for all of you to have the same experience!

  4. Thanks Missy! That is an encouragement and we certainly hope so too, that it will all fall in place, through the grace of God.
