I used to enjoy being alone but now here in Bangkok, in my hotel room, it is difficult being alone. I did spend time reading, contemplating, journaling (on paper!) and praying during the free time available but doing it alone and faraway from family and friends is hard. I figured I am not used to being alone anymore after being a wife for 12 years and a mom for almost 9.
The silence is deafening;
the solitude is disturbing.
But I stuck on and kept at keeping a time to reflect. It did not really amount to much though, I’d say, so far.
No moments of profundity or enlightenment …
I started to read Ecclesiastes. I chose this book because it simply fitted my mood – vanity, vanity, all is vanity. But I only managed about several verses of chapter 1 before I decided I better stop before I go further downhill in form.
But not giving up though, I turned to the last chapter of the same book.
My summary of Ecclesiastes 12:1-14:
Remember God
…. whatever life brings
…….. for we will still go to the eternal home
Remember God
…. before the cord is loosed
…. before the bowl is broken
…. before the pitcher is shattered
…. before the wheel is broken
…….. the spirit will return to Him who first gave it.
All is vanity.
…. it is still important to ponder
…. And be admonished
…. by the words of truth
…….. that is wise like goads
…….. that is like well-driven nails
…….. that is given by one Shepherd
In conclusion
…. Fear God
…. and keep His commandments
…….. for this is man’s all
What a great lesson: in conclusion to all that we will ever think or do, fear God and keep His commandments, for this is man’s all.
Picture by J. Dietle
It sounds like you did come to a profound conclusion though.