Sunday, August 13, 2006

Taking off some hats

I was washing my huge pile of laundry yesterday and realised it was quite therapeutic for me. (Washing is good, ironing is a no-no!) I took the same time to pray and re-evaluate my life; and I have made some decisions.

I am just wearing too many hats and I think I am nearing burnout. I need more time for more important things in life and some things, though not less important, have to take the back seat for the time being.

But I have decided, for now at least, this blog will stay. Only and only because it is an extension of my daily spiritual ponderings and thoughts, and my quiet time with my Lord. I would therefore seek my blogger friends' forgiveness if I do not check out their blogs as often as I should. I would still be checking them out, (I think once a Blogger, always a Blogger?) but just not so often - I think that is already apparent by now.

The other hat I am planning to take off is the Sunday School teacher hat. I have been wanting to do that for a long time but I still have a heart for the little ones. I will put it back on when I am more settled and ready to go back into it, God willing. There are several more others hats that will be off, but all in God's good timing.

(Thanks to Jewel and Codepoke) I take Hab 3:19 to heart today: GOD, the Lord, is my strength; he makes my feet like the deer's; he makes me tread on my high places.

Picture by Chancaca


  1. You know, you are a master of gorgeous pictures, but this one is frameable. Wow - it's just lovely. In fact, if you have a link, I just might plunk down money for it.

    Praise the Lord for your experiment. May the Lord bless it, and I'll look forward to not seeing you around. :-) If you are going to drop one, I would certainly recommend dropping the one with the most 30 page posts per capita. ;-P

    I'm glad you'll still be out here. Your spirit and meditations are always real and refreshing. Thank you!

  2. Hey CP,
    The pictures are from which houses amateur photographers and photograph aficionados like me :) Most pictures there including this one has no restrictions and is free for use.
    To get to that picture, search for "hat", there aren't too many with hats, so you should get to it.

    If you are going to drop one, I would certainly recommend dropping the one with the most 30 page posts per capita.

    I don't quite get what you are saying here. Sorry :) I think it is too early in the morning for me LOL. 30 page post per capita? I know your current posts are on women in ministry, now that is one topic I am still sitting on the fence for now but being a woman, I'd lean more on the IN. I am still on the fence because I have not had the time to resolve Paul's writing on the matter.

  3. Hi Maeghan,

    I never stopped to think that you had to do laundry, too! It sounds like you're making a wise decision. When I was your age, I felt like I was spread too thin so I dropped some things and I have never regretted it.


  4. We can all relate to needing to let go of a few things. An up date on Milly No baby, wasn’t, don’t want to be, and glad. I’m getting too old. I’ve let go of a few blogs myself and now skim some. CP’s on women in leadership is good. I copy some when I haven’t time to read it right away so that on break time I can read them and write notes.

    Blessings :-}

  5. Julia,
    Yes, I also have to do the laundry :) I think I want to do everything but I only have 2 hands and 24 hours a day ... LOL

  6. Milly,
    Oops ... I must have mis-read your post. Sorry about that!

  7. Maeghan,

    I taught pre-k Sunday School at my church for 16 years. It was the hardest thing to walk away, but I know it was what God needed me to do at that time. God had other plans and I needed to accept that (though I did it very sadly).

    There is a defference between to good works and doing God's best. I can sure relate with your inventory management.

    I pray that God will prepare you for this pruining effort.

    God Bless

  8. Maeghan,

    I was just trying to make sure you knew I did not mind you not visiting my blog. That's cool by me. Danny Kaye jokingly figures my usual post is about 30 pages long.

    I found the picture, and have registered. Will download when I get home. Thanks!

    And don't imagine I need to repeat myself on women in the church. :-)

  9. Doug,
    I am not sure if I am at all able to cut back on Sunday School just yet. I just realised the other teacher will be delivering anytime soon and the team can't be suddenly 2 short. Sigh ... nevermind, I guess I have to manage time even more efficiently. Since this is all for the LORD :)

  10. CP,
    I was just trying to make sure you knew I did not mind you not visiting my blog.

    I will still visit - because I like your blog :) good to read but I am with DK on this - your posts are 30 pages long LOL.

    And don't imagine I need to repeat myself on women in the church.

    No need to, no need to. Or I'd have 30 pg long comments! LOL
    Anyway, at least for my church, women in church is not so much an issue. We get to serve and preach as much as any other man.

  11. CP,
    We get to serve and preach as much as any other man.

    Need to qualify that.

    As far as preaching is concerned, we do get to do it as much as the men, but there just aren't too many women who are doing it.

  12. No need to, no need to. Or I'd have 30 pg long comments! LOL
    From half a world away, I can still strike fear into the hearts of innocents. :-P

    Anyway, at least for my church, women in church is not so much an issue. We get to serve and preach as much as any other man.
    I gathered that. I am very, very happy for you.

    As far as preaching is concerned, we do get to do it as much as the men, but there just aren't too many women who are doing it.
    And I think that's normal. Very cool.
