Wednesday, July 19, 2006


I was browsing through John Stott's Between Two Worlds, The Challenge of Preaching Today and found it quite promising a book.

From the first chapter, The Glory of Preaching: A Historical Sketch:

Four chief characteristics of Chrysostom's preaching (he was nicknamed Chrysostomos, 'golden-mouthed' and is generally and justly regarded as the greatest pulpit orator of the Greek church):
(1) He was biblical, preaching systematically through several books and his sermons are full of biblical quotations and allusions
(2) He was simple and straightforward, following the Antiochene school of 'literal' exegesis in contrast to fanciful Alexandrian allegorisation
(3) His moral applications was down-to-earth
(4) He was fearless in his condemnations, he was a martyr of the pulpit, for it was chiefly his faithful preaching that caused him his exile

Luther's nine properties and virtues of a good preacher:
(1) teach systematically
(2) have a ready wit
(3) be eloquent
(4) have a good voice
(5) have a good memory
(6) know when to make an end
(7) be sure of his doctrine
(8) venture and engage body and blood, wealth and honour, in the Word
(9) offer himself to be mocked and jeered of every one



  1. Hi Meaghan,

    I guess Between Two Worlds would imply the preacher is standing between heaven & earth, pointing the way to Jesus. I was thinking that good preachers should not draw attention to themselves, either in a good way or a bad way.
    Blessing to you and I hope Sunday goes well!


  2. Stott wrote the book to encourage preachers to be both strong in their biblical doctrine and theology as well as contemporary issues. No point preaching without giving any practical lessons.

  3. Oh, that makes sense. Practical lessons are good :)
