Monday, June 12, 2006

Off to Cameron Highlands

It has been an exceptionally busy day at work today with no time to come up with anything to post - I was up working till midnight. I will be off to another highlands tomorrow but this time for work - assisting in facilitating a training session, which will last till Saturday. And that will be five whole days ... I am going to certainly miss my son to bits and so if you do remember me in prayer, do pray that I will not have time to miss home, which I think will be hard.

I was preparing the training session on the topic of influence. One of the discussion session involves an example of a person of great influence. I do have a hard time figuring out who to talk about because to me there is none other than our Lord Jesus Christ! But I will have to settle for a mere mortal.

Grace and peace to you in my "silence". I will still be "posting" offline and I hope to be able to update my blog upon my return. I hope I can take some pictures too as I have just upgraded my phone camera with a 512MB memory card.



  1. There's always people like Martin Luther or Joan of Arc. Susan B. Anthony helped win women the vote in America. Interesting angle for you - pointing to America's deficiencies in democracy being changed by an influential person.

  2. Hi Maeghan,

    I will certainly keep you in my prayers!


