Friday, April 14, 2006

Today is Good Friday. I took the day off from work but I ended up being busy with the house and my son as well as running errands for the church. I am being a busy Martha and of all days on Good Friday.

This brings to mind what I was thinking about a few days ago. I know that I have been too occupied lately to keep a close tab on my relationship with my God. But while I was busying myself with work and errands and stuff, I was also busy reading and thinking about bible passages, doctrines and all. I am just not sure if those count as being "close" to God. I do try to be careful not to become too academic and lose it in the relationship, but I am finding it hard to really know for sure which is which and what is what.



  1. You are preaching to the choir Meaghan.

    It reminds me of when Peter wanted to erect shrines at the transiguration. He was working so hard at what he thought would impress God, that he totally missed God's purpose.

    I worry so much about this because there is a difference between doing 'good' and doing God's best for my life. My wife and I are so involved with our church, that I often wonder are we so bogged down by commitments and obligations that we would have a tough time if God all of the sudden called us to be missionaries in Zimbabwe.

    Remember when the angel visted Joseph in a dream to tell him that soldiers were coming for Jesus? Joseph jumped up immediately and moved, I pray that I could do that too.

    I haven't found the balance, except to pray and trust that my steps are ordered by God. The key, for us, is to keep praying and keep seeking His will for our lives.

    God Bless and have a Happy Easter.

  2. I guess I am a bit confused at the moment. I am just taking on too much. I *am* enjoying it, but my fear is that I am doing them more for myself. I have always believe that we are a selfish lot. I do wonder how can I ever not be myself since I am my thoughts, my emotions, my needs, my feelings. I am not saying that in the conceited way. Yes, we love and give but we can never not be ourselves. Nevermind ... this is something difficult for me to put into words anyway.

    Didn't quite get your "choir" part.

  3. Meaghan

    I was reffering to the comment of busy-ness counting as being 'close' to God.


  4. I see. But I was not :)
    I am simply one of the choristers though I and another vocalist do help the choir director with the piece.

    It is one of those days when I am kinda moody - nothing to it :)


  5. Okay,

    How about this: "amen to that Sister!". ;)

    Hope Your Easter was great.

    God Bless

  6. BTW,

    I also like your pics on this blog. That are pretty cool too (nice mood elements).


  7. thanks :) you are very generous with your compliments. Kudos to the photographers at Stock Exchange - i love the photos there.

    Hope you have a great Easter too!

    Neway, I have to live up to my blog's name but I don't have much on my mind lately and I think it it's showing!!

    Oh yeah ... I forgot to tell you. I love your blog name. I told my son about it and he had a good laugh as well ;)

  8. Meaghan,

    I'm glad you and you son like the name. I've gotten a lot of comments (chuckles mostly) on it from my friends. I was thinking of setting up a blog and the name just flowed out. It brought a smile to my face too.

    Once again, thanks for the kind words.


  9. It flowed out great for you, it flowed out just normal (a.k.a. boring) for me! LOL
    I am horrible with names!
