Sunday, April 16, 2006

It's Easter today! Christ is risen. He is risen indeed!
The message rings so true in the second half of the Easter piece we did this morning. And because He lives, I can face tomorrow.

Who will roll the stone away?
Roll the mighty stone away?
Pondered the women that first Easter day
Spices tenderly they bear
For the Saviour lying there
They are among the few who care
What a wonderful surprise
Now awaits their saddened eyes
They will see a shining angel sent down from the skies
He will roll the stone away
Roll the mighty stone away
They will enter in and see the place where once the Saviour lay

Alleluia! Alleluia!
This is the glad song they soon will sing
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Soon over the whole world the echo will ring!

He is not here, he is not here
For He is risen as He said!
He is not here, he is not here
For He is risen from the dead!
Redemption’s work is finished now
The Victor’s crown is on His brow His Kingly brow
He is not here, he is not here
For He is risen from the dead!

Alleluia! Alleluia!
Come see the place where the Saviour once lay
Jesus is risen oh, wonderful day!

In the garden’s lonely ground
Nevermore will He be found
By the dreadful chains of death He could never be bound
Dying once – no more to die
Rising now to justify
Winning pardon for a world of sinners – oh, the message cry

Alleluia! Alleluia!
Come see the place where the Saviour once lay
Jesus is risen oh, wonderful day!
Wonderful day!

Lift up a song of joy – its message sing
For all the world around should hear
The Saviour lives again – oh, praise his name!
He conquered death and His foes
Rejoice forevermore, the timeless truth proclaim
Our mighty Lord arose!
Dark were fears He banished
Quickly they fled away
Black was the night that vanished
In the light of that bright and happy day
Lift up a song of triumph – let it ring
Till heaven echoes back, and then
Repeat glorious chorus, with the angels sing
The Saviour lives again!

Open wide, ye everlasting doors
Let the King of Glory in
Now returning from His earthly wars
He the victory did win
See the rich, red wounds He bears
Sears of battle now wears
He has wrested Satan’s throne
He must reign and He alone!
Rise to meet and welcome Him
Crown Him and saints and seraphim
Open wide, ye everlasting doors
Let the King of Glory in
Now returning from His earthly wars
He the victory did win

And some day – oh, thrilling truth to ponder
Christ coming back again!
Breaking through the silent sky up yonder
Every eye shall see Him then
Coming back in power to reign
Myriad armies in His train
All the earth shall know Him away
Every knee will bow that day
Even so, come, Love divine
Take the throne that’s rightly Thine
Glorious promise that cannot be broken
How it cheers the hearts of men!
Christ Himself the blessed truth has spoken
He is coming back again!

Behold your King! Your glorious King!
Behold your King! Your thorn crowned King!
Behold your Redeemer King!
Behold your King! Your risen King!
Behold your King! Your conquering King!
Behold your coming King!
Behold your King! Behold your King!

~ from Behold Your King, by John W Peterson, 1960

Picture by xAi Shonato


  1. Hi, do you have the sheet music of this hymn "He is not here". I heard it at the Easter Vigil, would love to play it.

  2. Hi, I am sorry I do not have that score. You could try getting it here:
