Friday, April 28, 2006

I watched Luther last night, late into the night in fact (as I need to return the DVD today). While I am not too impressed with the screenplay and dismal character development, it is a good introduction/revision to church history. However, I had a difficult time figuring out who's who having forgotten most of what I had briefly studied on Church History.

Here are what I thought were memorable scenes.

The first one, while Luther was translating the bible into German. Spalatin (I figure) came visiting:

How's the work?


Words are like children... the more care you lavish on them, the more they demand. Rather like women. I wouldn't know. Take this verse in Saint Luke... "It is the father's will that nothing be lost." In our language, the word "will" denotes strength, willpower, bending someone to your will. But in the original Greek, this three-letter word denotes passion, fire, inner organs. It can mean beloved, desire, even sexual desire.

Eat your porridge.

You're not even listening.

Besides, porridge does nothing for my bowels.

No, it's not the word that's important, but what it's saying about God.

The second one, when his fellow ex-monk was about to take leave:

Stay, Ulrick, stay. Please. Marry one of these lovely young women. I know there's at least one left.

I'll bring God's word to my homeland.

No, this is not a good time. No prince can protect you there.

I want the Dutch people to know what I experienced when I read His word for the first time.

Then God be with you.

And with you, Martin.



  1. This post makes me want to see it again. I remember liking it when I saw it ... just to imagine what it was like before the Bible was not so available.

  2. Maeghan,

    Is it worth the watch?

    Just wondering.


  3. Doug,
    I think it's ok though as mentioned I got quite confused trying to figure out the characters. So if you know the history well enough, you won't have my problem.


  4. Julia,
    Yeah ... we are definitely blessed to have it so easily available, so much so we can tend to take it for granted. Therefore, it is a good reminder of the price they have to pay: Luther, Wycliffe, Tyndale to name a few.
